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Cara Membuat Kategori di Situs Xtgem Menggunakan Filelist - WAPMASTER TUTORIAL DAN SCRIPT PHP

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Buat Filelist Category Blog Xtgem

Assalamu alaikum
Gimana kabar hari ini ? Masih kuat kan untuk menjalani puasa Ramadhan, hehe Kembali Okatrick Update Cara membuat Kategory di xtgem apa itu category, gak bisa jelasin sekarang contoh nya sudah ada pada situs ini di menu categories, bagai mana cara membuat seperti itu simak baik baik yang sudah tahu pura pura aja tidak tau ya bos oz aku isin ckakaka

Langkah pertama silahkan login xtgem anda klik file_browser geser ke bawah buat halaman baru klik new file atau buat file jika sudah kasih nama file tersebut dengan nama category lalu masukan kode di bawah ini

jika sudah langkah pertama selesai mari langkah ke dua

Langkah ke dua, silah kan ke file_browser anda lalu silah kan buat FOLDER ingat buat folder bukan file, silah kan berinama folder nya dengan nama blog jika sudah buka folder bernama blog tersebut lalu buat lah folder baru misal uncategorized, dan lain nya seperti CSS wapmaster trik facebook karena folder baru yang ada di dalam folder blog ini akan menjadi menu categories wap anda, jika sudah silah kan pasang kode berikut di _footer wap anda untuk menampilkan menu category nya

silah kan sesuai kan link nya sesuai nama folder anda saja, untuk lebih jelas nya contoh di bawah ini, anda tinggal ubah yang berwarna merah di bawah ini

<a href="http://URL ANDA.COM?categori=post/Ganti_Nama_Folder">Ganti_Nama_Folder</a>

dan untuk nama ?kategori dan =post di atas jangan anda ubah kecuali jika anda sudah benar benar paham. . .

Mungkin sekian post kali ini oz sudah pegel hehe semoga bermanfaat butuh pertanyaan silah kan koment atau add fb saya sekian dan salam okatrick
Wssalamu alaikum

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Comments: Cara Membuat Kategori di Situs Xtgem Menggunakan Filelist
02 February 2015

Thanks for shniarg. Always good to find a real expert.

13 February 2015

I bow down humbly in the presence of such grenatess.

04 February 2015

Sorry for the delay end of the day chores.Great qtiouesns! And I'm glad the blog is helping with your sales. That is exactly the reason I write these posts.Okay let me see what I have in my noggin.1)I have not had to use Terapeak or Worthpoint. If I can't find my item on Ebay, Amazon, or any other related sites then I google my item. I usually can either find IT or something comparable. If its something so unique (i.e. a photo album of vintage original pictures of WWII) .then I use my best judgement on putting it on a listing and what to list it for. I'll be honest I like to gamble with these unique items and put them on as an auction because its really the market that sets the rate I've usually walked away happy with the ending price. If its something really great I do a ten day auction that ends on a Sunday evening.2) I have hand delivered my items to my postman..but have never left them alone. I'm too paranoid. I have enough stress wondering if they will make it when I drop them off at the post office. But that's neurotic me.3) I guess the auction question really depends on how much you invested in the piece, what price you would be happy with, and how sought after it is. Again .I like the gamble side on the cool stuff. Especially if I know I have a sure thing. I just make darn sure I'm not ending it on a holiday or Superbowl .or some TV show finale. I hope this answers your qtiouesns. Anyone else who would like to weigh in please do!

13 February 2015

It's much easier to unsetdrand when you put it that way!

13 February 2015

That's a crjcrekaack answer to an interesting question

14 February 2015

Never would have thunk I would find this so insilpensabde.

14 February 2015

Furrealz? That's malvrlousey good to know.

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