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Cara Membuat Judul Otomatis Disemua Halaman - WAPMASTER TUTORIAL DAN SCRIPT PHP

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Category: javascript, javascript judul otomatis, membuat judul secara auto, trik membuat judul.
Javascript Auto Title

Sobat semua, kali ini membagi kan trik jadul yang dahulu pernah saya dapat di sebuah FORUM yaitu javascript auto title.. Yang menurut saya sangat cocok di terapkan di xtgem,.. Karena saya sendiri kadang lupa mengasih judul di setiap semua halaman,.. Dngan ada nya script ini maka akan otomatis ada title atau judul nya meski kita lupa,..

Yang mau menggunakan juga cukup simple tinggal copy code di baah ini, klo anda pengguna xtgem bisa langsung pasang di file _header kamu, agar kode ini ikut di semua halaman, silahkan copy code ini

Semoga trik atau cara yang saya bagi kan ini bermanfaat sob terimakasih sudah membaca Cara membuat Judul otomatis di semua halaman sekian dari saya selamat ber aktifitas dan


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Comments: Cara Membuat Judul Otomatis Disemua Halaman
17 June 2013

Hadir sob.. Mantap nice post gan di tunggu kunbal nya asal mula parang tritis nyi roro kidul

11 February 2015

Action requires knegledwo, and now I can act!

15 February 2015

Hi Clare. That sounds like it's hard work at the monmet. I think what you're going through now sounds like what we went through at around 18 months the final stopping was fairly easy, but there was a harder bit earlier on. Here are some of the strategies we used:Offer something else to drink or eat. Water, whole milk, watered-down juice, in a sippy cup of some kind (whatever he's used to). Fruit, breadsticks, cucumber, or other healthy snacks (not chocolate or sweets, though, or that can lead to a whole bunch of other problems!)Distract. Rather than saying No', do something silly, sing a song, get a book out whatever he likes best. Wear really high-necked dresses with belts so that your boobs are completely inaccessible!For night-time, I'm afraid I basically handed over to Chris. For a few nights, he went in when she woke up and got her back to sleep. There were a couple of nights where I had to sleep downstairs and there was a fair bit of crying, but it didn't take long and she slept much better, generally, after that. She does also get a sippy cup of water to take with her at bedtime, though she doesn't often wake to drink it.Don't give up in one go, I'd say (but I do know people for whom that's worked), but try to cut it back considerably using the offering something else and distraction (not saying no' yet). Then, if you can, assuming that does cut it down enough, keep going for a month or two and then try something like telling him that you're going to be stopping having breastmilk (whatever you call RoRo called it mu-ilk' and LaLa called it Dot dot') and ask him if there's a treat he'd like to get after a week of not having any. A toy maybe? Good luck!

19 September 2018

If only there were more cleevr people like you!

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